Seeing All The Great Marvel Action Figures

By Ruthie Calderon

Human beings living within the United States know that they are able to purchase great looking dolls from different merchants. That is one reason that Marvel action figures are so popular around the entire world. There are so many to choose from and they are very great looking when displayed upon someone's living room table.

Anyone knows that the Avengers has unique characters who all possess super human strength and great wisdom. Thor is the God of thunder and toy companies have made this statue over and over again throughout the years. The first issue of this hero was done by Mego toys and they did an excellent job on this particular design. Thor had realistic rooted hair and a child could easily remove his cloth costume.

His mighty hammer is attached to his belt and he wears a nice silver helmet upon his golden locks. Thor is also wearing a pair of yellow boots which were designed especially for him since all of the other figures wear plain black boots. If someone were to purchase this item in mint condition they would spend a ton of cash for him.

In order to obtain more customers Toy Biz decided to produce a newer version of Thor which was not as good looking. This new version had a painted head and was smaller in size. It also looked very cheap since many toy companies believe in quantity not quality. Younger people born after the 70's had to settle for this poor imitation.

Fortunately the comic book producers were always able to write and draw a new villain within their tales. "The Fantastic Four" always had the pleasure of fighting with a super bad man named Dr. Doom. He wore an iron mask in order to hide his hideous facial features from the entire world. People often wondered why Mego did not make a great looking doll which resembled the mighty Dr. Doom.

The Green Goblin is one mixed up villain who has been seen in the "Amazing Spider Man." He is a murderer who has taunted and tortured the hero named Peter Parker for decades. Any fan is able to find a goblin statue whenever they visit their local Toys R Us store. His evil stare has gained the attention from many individuals who purchase comic books and other reading items.

People were quite amazed at how unique Toy Biz made the Sentinels look when they first hit the market. These are iron robots which are very tall and they are on a mission to capture every mutant that is on Earth. Fans everywhere can set up a display which will exhibit a Charles Xavier doll and other X-Men.

At one point in time Toy Biz had also made a large amount of dolls which resembled Spider Woman and they could be located in most stores. There was a twelve inch version of this female who is now worth over two hundred dollars. Unfortunately not enough people showed an interest in this particular doll when she was first introduced to the world.

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